This week on the blog...
No matter how good you are at saving money on an individual basis, sometimes things get tight (hello inflation 2022). The good thing is, as long as you have a budget set up, there lots of small things that you can do to save money every day. From minimizing costs by looking for cheaper alternative products, to reducing your energy bills by making better use of them – we’ve rounded up a whole bunch of ideas for you to consider below.
Here are a few cost-cutting hacks that may help you find a bit more money at the end of each month.
Cut you TV Cable costs - are you paying too much for cable or internet? If your subscription includes a lot of channels you never watch, it’s time to change providers. You can save hundreds a year just by shopping around. One call and you can get a quote from competing providers in your area. PS. Streaming exists, maybe you cut cable altogether.
Eat at home more often - eating out for lunch and dinner every day can get expensive. Especially for my guys and gals like me who forget to pack work lunches. Instead, plan ahead and pack your lunch! You could save a lot of money by packing your own snacks, shakes, lunches or leftovers instead.
Cut down on energy bills - You'll save on energy costs by not heating or cooling your home during the hours you're not there, and you can also wash your laundry in cold water, and use the laundry during optimal time(s). Those in Canada our off peak hours are typically 7PM-7AM.
Refinance your high-rate debt - If you have high interest rate debt, finding a loan with a lower rate could save you a significant amount of money. Worth checking out, no?!
Save on insurance premiums - It's important to have insurance, but you should only pay for coverage you need. Shop around for the best rates. Many companies will offer discounts if you bundle car and home (or renter's) insurance. If you have a good driving history, ask about a good driver discount.
Pay your bills on time - enroll in auto-pay plans. Avoid late fees at all costs.
For a personalized budget or financial plan, I have a few 1:1 Coaching spots open this month! And, I have a few spaces left for ongoing support, in my NEW Coaching Bundle!
