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Tara is an internationally-recognized money expert.


After saving $100,000 before age 24, Tara bought her first property downtown Toronto, started working in Investment Banking on Bay Street, runs her own consulting company (TMM), created an online course, and has since taught thousands of students. Tara focuses on helping young entrepreneurs and women work through money blocks, negotiate salaries, pay off debt, manage day to day finances, and learn to invest.


Tara is the author of a successful Ebook, has been hired as a Finance Consultant for the bachelor, Jason Tarticks’, consulting agency, and has been featured in countless podcasts. In addition, she has hosted more than 30 sold out masterclasses/workshops, and has had the pleasure to speak to international audiences for companies such as Pinterest, Females Who Side Hustle, Live Wellthy, WellBYND and more.


With a dedicated following of over 17K on IG, and hundreds on her mailing list - Tara’s unique spin on financial advice has made her a trusted, go-to voice for ambitious women, young people, and entrepreneurs alike.


Tara is committed to writing, speaking, and continuing to educate others about personal finance, side hustles, investing and building wealth.

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Suggested Speaking Topics & Workshops

Tara creates custom workshops, and is happy to speak about many different topics related to money, but these are some great topics for speaking engagements:

Building Your Financial Confidence

This topic speaks to money mindset, empowering yourself through your finances, ditching negative language, becoming a positive vibration for money. Getting women and others totally confident in talking about, thinking about, and managing their finances.

Negotiating More For You

This topic speaks to identifying your hopes, wishes and dreams, and then negotiating for them! Learning how to approach salary negotiations, changes in compensation, and remote work options.

Custom Talk

If you’d like me to address a combination of topics, or different topics, we can definitely work it out!



If you are interested in having Tara speak at your next event, we are happy to chat. If you are a brand interested in a collaboration or partnership, please head over to our brands page to see how we can work together!

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